Frequently asked questions
I don’t have a PayPal account, can I still purchase your meditation products?
Yes you can. You don’t need a PayPal account to checkout. PayPal accepts all payments credit cards. When checking out, click on "PayPal Checkout" and then click on the "Pay with a Card" button.
This will allow you to pay as a guest without a PayPal account.
Streamed meditations
Can I download the streamed meditations to play offline?
No you cannot currently do this. To play the streamed meditations, you will require an active internet connection.
How do I cancel my subscription to the streaming meditations?
First you need to login using the Login link in the top right hand corner of the website. Once you are logged in, you will see a down arrow next to the profile icon. Click on this arrow and select "My Subscription" from the drop-down menu. Then click on the arrow that says Active and press cancel subscription.
Earth Healing Meditations Guided Imagery for Groups book
I have bought the meditation book “Earth Healing Meditations Guided Imagery for Groups”. Can I use it in my own business with groups, circles and retreats where I charge for my classes.
Yes. That is the whole purpose of the book. My Earth Healing Meditation resources (book, recorded meditations, CDs, Downloads and Streaming) have been designed for others to use during their groups, circles and retreats including classes at their business. The more people doing Earth Healings for the world the better. I have designed My Earth Healing Meditation resources to make it easier for you.
Permission is granted to play my meditation recordings during classes. Any unauthorised public performances broadcasting and/ or copying of my recordings is prohibited except to the extent permitted by law.
Why do all your meditations have the same ‘clearing and protection’ introductions or beginnings?
All my meditations begin with a white light ‘clearing and protection’ because when you meditate you open up in a spiritual way. When this happens it is wise to be ‘cleared and protected’. This is why I have built into all of the meditation ‘clearing and protection’ steps, so it is always done. The meditation introduction also helps the meditator to connect into their source of energy and call on the Light.
My meditation book ‘Earth Healing Meditations Guided Imagery for Groups’ goes into greater detail of the reasons that ‘clearing and protection’ is so important.
Why do all your meditations have the same endings or conclusion?
I use the same ending for each of the meditations so that there is some familiarity. Furthermore, when you hear the ending you know it is time to come out of the meditative state. Each ending is lengthy so that if you are very deep in the meditative state there is enough time to become aware of your physical-ness and open your eyes gently. Allowing you the time you need to come out of the meditative state.
What should I expect my meditation experience to be like?
Don’t expect your meditation experience to be like other peoples, as it’s going to be different. It’s going to be like your meditation experience and that’s how it’s meant to be. Meditation is not a competition. Some people go to a deep inner place, with no visual minds eye pictures. Sometimes people do not even hear the voice track and occasionally people are not even aware of the music, until the end of the meditation when they are called back to their physical-ness. Other people do see visual pictures in their minds eye. Pictures can be in colour and other times they are not. Some people’s meditative experience is with thought pictures. Almost like, they think the meditation. You can experience all your senses during meditation, such as feelings and fragrances etc. Your meditation experience may vary and change or develop over time.
You may find it beneficial to try several of the meditations from the Earth Healing Meditation Series and see if you achieve different experiences with them.
When I meditate I often get a tingling sensation in my arms and hands, sometimes even in my legs. Is this usual?
When people get very relaxed during meditation sometimes people experience energy sensations in their body. This can feel like a tingling sensation or lightness in the body. Sometimes the body can feel heavy. It is important for circulation reasons to keep your arms and legs uncrossed during meditation. This is so the energy can flow around your body.
When I do your meditations I don’t hear the music or the words you are saying. Is this normal?
Yes. You have just gone quiet deep with the meditation. Well done. Be assured your ears do work, so at another level you are hearing the meditation and the music.
Why is it important to use white light clearing and protection with meditation?
It is important to use white light clearing and protection with all spiritual practises including meditation. It is important to clear any heavy energy and bind it to the light and once this is done to then call on white light protection. Then you are ready to do your spiritual practise such as meditation. I have built into each of the meditations a very good ‘clearing and protection’ section, which is at the beginning of each meditation. If you would like a more detail explanation there is a good section on ‘clearing and protection’ in my meditation book ‘Earth Healing meditations Guided Imagery for Groups’.
I received insight or a message during my meditation and it has moved me to tears and I am a little emotional. Is this normal?
Yes you can receive insights and personal messages during meditation. When this happens I think it is quiet normal to be a little emotional. It is usually quiet personal, touching and healing, reaching a deep inner place. Allow yourself some time to reflect and take your personal experience in.
I’ve reacted strongly to the music in the background of the meditation. What should I do?
That’s happened to me once or twice too. When I have been doing others peoples meditations, which is why I understand about music sensitivity. My understanding is that we all have certain notes or music that we resonate with. Sometimes music or certain notes will take a person back to somewhere in their past. Sometimes this is to somewhere nice and sometimes it is not. Because of this, music that suits one person may not suit another. It is usually a very special piece of music that can have this profound effect. I have chosen a range of music to back my meditations. This is so that there is some variety and also a common theme. If you find that a piece of music does not suit you then stop listing to that meditation/music. Trust that you know what suits you. You might find that an energy healing session may help to settle down any emotions that have come up from your past.
I have found that my meditations are very well suited to the sensitive person. My meditations are tried and true. I have practised my meditations over 10 years with a range of sensitive people. So I can say that they are suitable for sensitive people.
I have released a wide range of meditations and I am sure you will find a meditation with music that will resonate well with you.
What should I do if there is an image in the meditation script that I am uncomfortable with?
Simply change the image with your mind to something you are comfortable with. Your meditation journey needs to be comfortable and safe for you.
What are some of the things I can do to switch off my busy mind from thinking during meditation?
Sometimes you are just going to enter into the meditation state easier than other days. It can depend on your day and the kind of influences you’ve had. I suggest practising your meditations frequently. As you become more practised at meditation you will find that slipping into the meditative state will become easier. Be gentle on your self and give your self time to get to the experienced level. You might like to try some of the essences that are available. Australian Bush Flower Essences puts out a Meditation Essence. This essence helps with awakening spirituality, enhancing intuition, inner guidance, access higher self, deeper meditation and telepathy.
At my meditation group I like to use the essences of Anglesword and Dirogenia, from the Chiron Healing® product range. One drop of Anglesword essence on the ‘Feeling centre’ or solar plexus area of the abdomen helps to disconnect energy fibres or cords to people. Dirogenia essence traced in a big diamond shape over the whole of the abdomen helps disconnect situational fibres or cords, the ones that run out to life circumstances. I find that when I have used these essences that my mind is no longer thinking about people and situations and circumstances.
Does it matter if I sit in a chair or lie down to meditate?
Not at all. When I hold meditation groups we all sit in chairs. However, if your preference is to lie down, just watch that you don’t fall to sleep.
Is it necessary to do the meditations in any particular order?
No. Each Meditation is complete in itself. I recommend that you choose the ones you are drawn too.
Are these meditations suitable for children?
The answer to this question resides with the parent or guardian and the child. However I can say this. Children respond wonderfully to guided imagery and the topic of the earth. I have used the meditation “Butterflies in the Pine Forest” with hundreds of primary school aged children. They responded well. I found that some of the little ones curled up on their chair and other yawned, while most relaxed and were able to tell me which was their favourite coloured butterfly. These meditations are suitable for the sensitive and who are more so than the children. The meditation book can also be used with children. Some parents have purchased the meditation book with the purpose of reading to their children and guiding them through meditation. This is a wonderful way to spend time with your children that is also fun, while being relaxing and calming. It is also great to see parents teamed up with their children working together to help heal themselves and the earth.
What is the simplest way to do the clearing, protecting and grounding meditation steps with children?
The clearing, protecting and grounding steps are already incorporated in the meditation cds and meditation downloads. They are also written into the introduction and ending section of the meditation scripts in the book. I do suggest you use something like the Australian Bush Flower Essence Space clearing mist or their Calm and clear mist to help create an appropriate environment for your children to meditate in. I think that is really important and helps a lot.
Ok I’m going to try some of these meditations with my children. Which ones do you suggest I start with?
That again is up to you and which ones you feel drawn to, always trust that. Here are my suggestions: ‘Colourful healing frogs’, ’Aromas of the garden’, ‘Butterflies in the pine forest’, ‘The cloud of colour’, ’Sending love to water’, ‘Atmospheric cleansing cloud’, ‘The doves of pure peace’, ‘Lady of the lake’. Have a listen to the samples of the meditation downloads and see which ones you like. You may find that boys may like the ones that have a stronger rhythm in the back ground.
Can I use these meditations with adults and children?
Are these meditations suitable for adults?
Yes, I have run meditation groups with adults, on a weekly basis in Goulburn for over 15 years. That’s a lot of adults that have benefited from them and had good experiences.
I am a sensitive person, will these meditations be suitable for me?
Yes, absolutely. I have designed these meditations for extreme sensitives in mind. So you can safely enjoy them.